Rabbits And Rats - Story For Kids

Rabbits and the Rats

A family of rabbits ran helter-skelter whenever any animal came near them, fearing they would be trampled to death.

One day, hearing the sound of horses' hooves from a nearby forest, they were terrified. 
They decided they would rather die than live in constant fear. 
So they went down to the river to drown themselves. 
When they reached the river, they found lots of mice running hither and thither, to escape their clutches. 
The rabbits realised that the mice were terrified of them. 
They were amazed and said, "We thought we were the only little ones who lived in terror. 
But these tiny animals are scared of us.

Happily, they returned to their burrows and stopped living in fear from that day on.

Moral:Don’t Judge Before Knowing Anything.

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